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Thursday 22 May 2008


This is about "melting" services rendered by two premium icre-cream retailers we encountered recently.

Häagen-Dazs @ Tampines Mall

Bought a scoop of lemon sorbet for Kieran as requested by him. After it was scooped into a cup, Kieran said, "Mommy, why is it so small?". I agreed it was really tiny and he explained the scoop was smaller than what he had previously at Junction 8. So I asked the server if that's the standard size, who said "yes". Unsatisfied, I asked the manager on duty, he said, "Yes M'am, because it is a sorbet, it melts faster thus looks smaller." I told him it was ridiculously small but he didn't say nor do anything.

Ben & Jerry @ Sentosa Siloso

We ordered 4 cups of ice-cream and none was vanilla flavour. The server asked if the vanilla flavour ice-cream he just scooped was ours and I replied no. He looked puzzled and told his colleague to discard it.

Lessons to be learned:
1) Little gestures go a long way to delight a customer
2) Häagen-Dazs could have made up by adding a little more to the miserably small dollup of lemon sorbet to brighten a kid's day
3) Ben & Jerry need not throw away a good ice-cream but to ask if the customer wants it as a compliment

1 cherubic angels:

Valencia said...

couldn't agree more!
Singaporeans really need to be sent for customer service training and some common sense programmes (if only there's such is avail)!