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Tuesday, 31 October 2006

Good Morning Vietnam!

I came to Vietnam (well, Hoi An, Danang to be exact) on Sunday from Singapore - HCMCity. Yes, Sunday is a dreadful day to travel for business :(

While I took Singapore Airlines to HCMCity, the experience on the domestic flight with Vietnam Airlines was a far cry from my national carrier. The attendant literally shoved the boxed meal into my face without a word! The wrapped up sandwich tasted weird and definitely didn't look appetizing but the 2 tiny bananas were good. The seats are very cramp as the leg-room is ultra narrow. Thank God the flight was only an hour and the pilot gave a smooth take-off and landing.

It rained in Danang and our transfer took about 45 minutes to Hoi An, Palm Garden Resort. After our whole-day workshop on Monday, together with 2 other colleagues, we went shopping in the evening and I bought 6 shawls at average US$5 each. I also took photos of an old local cafe.

I miss my 3 boys at home, especially Raeyen as he is still nursing a cold and runny nose. Hubby said Kieran was very cranky this morning and didn't want to go to school. I remember Kieran said to me on Sunday "I want Mommy!" as he knew I was departing later that day. I assured him that I love him and asked him to countdown to Friday as we will go to Chiangmai for holiday the next day with our family friends!

I really look forward to the holiday as it coincides with the Loy Krathong festival.

Saturday, 28 October 2006

Kieran's 1st Concert

Kieran performed in a school concert for the first time on Friday 20 October evening at Victoria Concert Hall. We only bought one ticket for the concert as we were not sure if I could make it in time from my return flight from Hong Kong.

In true motherly spirit, I sprinted to VCH after dropping my luggage at home. Hubby fetched me from Raffles City and I managed to catch the whole show, which started at 7.30pm till almost 10pm. Kieran's number was the fifth, and I had a hard time searching for him. When I spotted him, his performance was almost near the end, but I was already beaming with pride seeing my little boy performing lively and smiled at the end of the act. To me, it is an achievement on his part.

Kieran in his costume after the concert

Come 25 Nov, he will have to perform in another concert by the childcare centre. As Daddy will be working that day, I will attend and as usual, arm with videocam and digital camera to catch his little Kodak moments.

Thursday, 12 October 2006

My Angel's burning hot

Raeyen woke up at 6 this morning and his temperature was a high 39.6. We gave him brufen and I SMS my boss that I had to take urgent leave.

Brought him to the paediatrician and he was shivering - a shock to Yani and I. PD said it was bacteria infection (as molar eruption does not cause such a high fever) and he has tonsilitis - tiny whitish ulcers in throat. She inserted paracetamol depository as his temperature was 39.1. We then gave him Augmentin antibiotic, actified syrup for blocked/runny nose and nose drop and he is now napping.

I hope he gets better tomorrow as it is hard for me to take another urgent leave tomorrow since I will be travelling next Monday. He is supposed to take his MMR jab this Saturday but deferred till Monday, 23 October.

Poor baby, all we can do now is to monitor and make him as comfortable and cool as possible.

Wednesday, 11 October 2006

Molar eruption

Hubby realised Raeyen had high fever (38.8 degrees Celcius) this evening when we returned from work. We gave him Brufen and checked his healthbook if it was due to new teeth growth. True enough between 12-14 months, 1st molars at all four corner would erupt and Raeyen (who turned 15 months yesterday) has been so far quite slow in this department. Hubby checked his gums and found one molar already erupted and the other three corners have swollen gums.

Raeyen was his usual self until later in the evening that he became clingy to me. We will monitor him and if his condition does not get better tomorrow morning, I will bring him to the paediatrician. And if so, it will also mean I may have to apply urgent leave - a norm for most mothers and some fathers. How I wish our companies allow us to use our 14-day annual sick leave entitlement for child sick leave. It is an uneasy feeling whenever I have to apply for urgent leave. Work environment does not make it an easy and comfortable choice to make.

Raeyen with his fav Barney!

Tuesday, 10 October 2006

Life is like a box of ...

... fortune cookies

I was shocked when hubby told me last week that 4 men were hit by a sudden wave somewhere in Perth and were/are employees of a Singapore aerospace company. My 3rd bro Joo works in the same company in Perth and I quickly SMS his wife.

While Joo was not fishing with them, he was deeply disturbed by the mishap as he knows all 4 men. Life is not exactly like a box of chocolates though they may be bitter or sweet; it is also like a box of fortune cookies, no one knows what's coming to you tomorrow or even the next minute.

Last Friday, my company had an annual flu vaccination exercise for all employees, I went for my shot as usual. One of my good friends at work didn't want to take the jab for fear of the needle pain. I know her predicament but it's only a one-second shot of pain. Life is so unpedictable, we should really cherish what we have and seize every second and opportunity we have got to do what we want. Take a break and smell the roses. Watch the kiddos grow and learn from them as much as what we can teach them.

Kieran came home this evening with a packet of Hello Kitty marshmallows from a friend who just returned from a holiday in Japan. I promised that he could eat it after dinner. After dinner, he quickly dashed to the fridge for his candy and his happy face delighted me. He made me happier when he offered one to his little brother Raeyen. But when Raeyen wanted more, Kieran couldn't bear to part with his last mashmallow. Nevertheless, it is my fortune to be able to watch them grow together and love each other.

My 2 starry angels, taken on 24 Jun 06:

* Smile *

Yipee, Joyce of Tangs Vivocity called yesterday that while she could not locate the lady who probably found my purchase, she had arranged for me to pick the same jacket compliments from Tangs at their Vivocity branch!

I was pleased with the superb customer service Joyce has rendered. She really made my day though I was not feeling well.

I will be going to Tangs Vivocity this weekend. *^^* By then, I hope Gap will be opened though it's published that it would be opened on Sun 15 Oct. And, if the sky is clear, I will go to Pacific Coffee on the 2nd floor and sit outdoor.

Raeyen wearing a lion dance gear I got from Shanghai

Sunday, 8 October 2006

Vivo "va va boom" experience

I brought Kieran to VivoCity on Saturday morning for its opening day.

As Kieran did not have breakfast, we went to Coffee Bean on the 2nd floor. Kieran was obedient enough to "guard" our table while I ordered food & my cuppa. After two reminders to the staff about his breakfast, it was still nowhere in sight. The server said due to huge orders, we had to wait despite already waited for almost 30 minutes, and it was not crowded! I told her we did not want to wait and asked for a refund. Miraculously, she returned in less than 2 minutes with his breakfast! I did not like the fact that after kicking a fuss could we then get our food. So I told her we had no appetite for it and wanted a refund. It was an unpleasant experience. I mean, they could have stopped taking breakfast order if the kitchen could not manage or at least inform customers the estimated waiting time, certainly "your food will be served shortly" is not good enough.

Then we went to Tangs on the 1st floor and were "refreshed" as the staff gave us a tiny Tangs bag with 2 Mandarin oranges. While I dislike its new papaer bag as the handle is uneasy to carry, I love its retro decor and nice clothes! Kieran was a dearie as he accompanied his "vainpot" mommy from fitting room to the next as I tried oh-so-many nice outfit. My second sis joined us shortly and I introduced her a label "IE", abbreviation for "Individual Expression". Their clothes are unique and reasonably-priced. The promoter told me they have an in-store at Taka and a boutique at Heeren. I couldn't resist and bought a nice light peachy pink jacket at $89, kept in a larger Tangs paper bag. God I hate the paper bag handle as I could not hang it on my forearm so that I could continue to browse at ease! My sis bought 2 skirts from them at $59 and $79 each. We paid and was rewarded with a nice tote for having spent a minimum amount of $120 at Tangs.

We went to Pacific Coffee on 2nd floor for cakes and realised the outdoor seating has a great view overlooking Sentosa BUT the haze killed the climax! We sat indoor and enjoyed the cakes before we headed to Tangs Home. Kieran pestered to go to Toys R Us and we parted ways with my sis as she needed to rush for a show. As I was helping Kieran tried on a helmet, I left the Tangs paper bag on the floor. The helmet fitted him well and we headed to the cashier and the queue was long. When it was nearly my turn, I realised my Tangs carrier (and my dear newly bought jacket) was not with me. We hurried back to the helmet section but it was gone. I alerted the staff and left my phone number with them. It was in vain as no one returned the bag to their info counter.

I was very disappointed and we went to Tangs customer service counter to report the loss. My mood was down and we decided to go home. Kieran fell asleep in the train and hubby came to SengKang station to fetch us home.

The haze was so bad (PSI at 143) we ordered pizza for dinner instead of eating out. Wonder why is Indonesia always having fire? And since it's not raining, why couldn't our government sprinkle some water over the sky by enlisting help from MINDEF?

At about 9.30pm, Joyce of Tangs VivoCity called and said that they would investigate about the loss. But I think the chances are quite slim. Then she called less than 10 minutes later that a female shopper just called that she realised she had an extra shopping bag from Tangs but the item wasn't hers, and it seems that it's likely my jacket. Joyce promised to pick it up from the lady on Monday and feedback to me.

I'm crossing my fingers! I hope it is mine so that I can sashay my new "found" jacket.

Kieran (taken 2 weeks later @ Swensen VivoCity)

Wednesday, 4 October 2006

All Blacks

Hubby is a fan of the All Blacks rugby team of the Kiwis, well what can I say, it's a real tough men's game! When he watches the match on cable, I watch too and I enjoy it more than soccer. While his jersey was from Adidas Singapore, Kieran's from New Zealand when my second sister travelled there. Kieran was about 17 months old in this photo and now Raeyen is wearing it. I remember vividly that Kieran puked like a Merlion when we arrived at Bintan and Dad's jersey was not spared. Yikes!

Coming back the All Blacks. What captivates me is every time before a game begins, these toughies would do the Hakka - sort of a Maori warrior dance, and it's spectacular to watch them doing it - so inspiring. I wish we could have the chance to watch one of their matches LIVE! This November, they will be playing in Europe. But I would prefer to watch the game with my hubby and kids in no other place but New Zealand.

Tuesday, 3 October 2006

My little angels and my MacBook

As I mentioned in my previous entry, we signed up with Singnet broadband for 2 years and got a free cool white MacBook.

So while exploring its functionalities (our first experience with an Apple), the kids and I tried this cute icon called "Photo Booth". It's like those Japanese photo taking booths you see at shopping malls. We positioned ourselves and snapped a pix to see how we look. Hey not bad I'd say, you see for yourself above. At least I'm glad my face didn't look so puffed-up like a chipmunk. Though I probably looked quite daudy without make-up. Well, that's how I look when lounging at home with my brood.


Hubby wanted to spend some time with Kieran alone and decided to pick him up from childcare at 3pm yesterday. When they reached home, Raeyen was so happy to hear his brother coming home and dashed towards him .... boom! Our poor baby fell and knocked on the floor and now nursing a swollen upper lip.

Raeyen has a few falls on his mouth and I am now very fearful whenever he decides to zoom around the house. I also learned that on Wednesday (a day before my return from Germany), he managed to climb over his cot into our bed as his cot is placed next to our bed. To prevent him from falling from our bed, we had to move his cot to an awkward position in our bedroom. We do not want a deja vu as Kieran had a bad fall from our bed at one year old.

We realised that once kids turned one, they are more accident-prone.